Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seven Pounds

a film starring Will Smith, directed by Gabriele Muccino

Despite engaging performances from some of the co-stars, I ultimately found this film annoying. Will Smith plays the part of a man who has come to believe he owes the world something, and chooses to pay his debt by trying to help a small group of strangers. So far so good!

As you would expect the cinematography, music and performances are all acceptable, so what could be wrong? In the final analysis, his choices (hard to be more specific without spoiling this for everyone) are controversial and ultimately self serving. He is satiating his feeling of guilt. An Indian philosopher once said the greatest charity is when you give in anonymity and without seeking to know the response of the recipient. This won't do for Will Smith's character, who becomes closely entangled with at least some of those he impacts.

This film raises a number of issues, but the core problem is that the film is about a man who takes to himself the right to make god-like decisions about his own body and life.

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