Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Advance Australia…Where?

Author: Hugh Mackay

I have discussed in other reviews the idea of a “dipping book”, one that can be read by taking pages almost at random. Hugh Mackay’s most recent social analysis book came out in 2007, but I am still finding it fascinating and fresh.

The author’s special gift is to connect seemingly disparate trends, thus suggesting causal connections that I find illuminating. In case you are not familiar with his work, he is a psychologist and social researcher, and produced for many years a quarterly report on trends in Australian society. He has a wealth of research data both from his own social research and focus groups, and from the work of other researchers.

To give you an example, I have been aware for some years about statistics on the growing number of single occupancy households… in 2007 around 20% of Sydney dwellings had only one occupant, but the number is predicted to grow dramatically by 2020. This is interesting, even alarming, but the reason I enjoy his book so much is that it is not merely a report on the “what” (statistics) or “what next”, he also offers suggestions for the “why”. In this case he targets the society wide focus on self fulfilment and self worth, and suggests that this has led to an increased preference for being comfortable by one’s self. Of course there are many other reasons and he canvases those as well.

While 2007 is not 2011, it is interesting to examine the chapters that touch on the emerging Internet and social media culture, with its benefits and horrors.

I have taken to reading a page or two while eating my breakfast cereal, and enjoy jumping to random sections… almost always providing a challenging insight into the culture I move and work in. There is no reason why this could not be ready by a student of any age, however interest is likely to be higher for older students who are already curious about the forces shaping and driving our corner of the world.

Andrew Lack

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